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Defending Against The Isolated Queen’s Pawn: The Blockade

This article deals with the defense against the isolated queen's pawn. After looking at white's prospects in Isolated Queen's pawn positions, we concluded that White can either: set up an...

Attacking With The Isolated Queen’s Pawn Like Polugaevsky

Welcome to this second article about the Isolani. We are studying a great game played by Lev Polugaevsky against Anatoly Lutokov in 1957. This game shows how Polugaevsky uses the...

Trading pieces against the Isolated Queen’s Pawn

Playing against an Isolated Queen's Pawn means playing with a long term, static, structural advantage. Your opponent’s temporary, dynamic advantage mainly consists of better positioned pieces, safer king, and more...

Attacking with the Isolated Queen’s Pawn – Polugaevsky – Lutikov 1957 (part 1)

The isolated queen's pawn featured in this game from Polugaevsky is one of the most discussed pawn structures in Chess. It often happens in Queen pawn's games when, after some...

Isolated Queen’s Pawn: the d4-d5 breakthrough

This article follows our introduction to the Isolated Queen's Pawn and develops new methods to use the strength of this pawn: in particular, the d4-d5 breakthrough ! By now, you...

Attack with the Isolated Queen’s Pawn

In the introductory article about the isolated queen’s pawn, we have covered the basic principles and ideas when it comes to playing with an Isolated queen’s pawn. We have also...

Introduction to the Isolated Queen’s Pawn Positions

The isolated queen’s pawn, or the IQP is one of the most thematic positional patterns in the chess middlegame. It is something every serious chess player should study, regardless of...

The Knight on the Sixth Rank: some quizzes

In our previous article about the Knight on the sixth rank, we reviewed several beautiful games featuring a Knight on the sixth rank, including the legendary Karpov-Kasparov 1985 game, in...

The Knight on the sixth rank – Botvinnik-Keres 1952 (3)

How to plan effectively ? To answer this question, we continue looking at a great game from Botvinnik against Keres. Here Botvinnik unveiled the strength of a Knight on the...

The Knight on the Sixth Rank

Chess strategy, maneuvering pieces to favorable positions and initiating favorable trades, is one of the three pillars of every chess middlegame (tactics, strategy, and positional play). One of the best...