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The isolated queen’s pawn, or the IQP is one of the most thematic positional patterns in the chess middlegame. It is something every serious chess player should study, regardless of whether they play openings in which it occurs frequently or not.

Positions with an isolated queen’s pawn are important because they are the most illustrative example of two kinds of advantages in chess: static and dynamic advantages. That makes such pawn structures immensely instructive and important for the development of chess skill.

What I meant by static and dynamic advantages can also be called long term (static) and short term (dynamic) advantages, or, better yet, those that have to be cashed out on immediately and are time-sensitive (dynamic advantages), and those that are on the board for good (static advantages).

Stjepan Tomić is a strong player and famous youtuber with his Hanging Pawns channel. His goal is to become a Grandmaster and to share his new Chess knowledge with the community.

Basic Ideas in Isolated Queen’s Pawn positions

In IQP positions, the player with the isolated pawn has a static, structural weakness: an isolated queen’s pawn which his opponent can blockade and target. It’s not easy to defend because there are no pawns on adjacent files to defend it. He also has dynamic, short term advantages.

Those features make the position quite dangerous for the side that plays against the IQP. His king often gets under immense pressure and he has to defend against an early offensive.

The player that plays against the IQP, on the other hand, has a static advantage: a better pawn structure with no weaknesses.

Long term that means that he is better. In any endgame, the side with the stronger, more solid pawn structure and less pawn islands, will have a significant edge. He also has dynamic weaknesses. His opponent’s pieces have more space and are more active, and will therefore play a more important role in the middlegame.

Positions with an isolated queen’s pawn are, therefore, the most thematic example of two most important situations you can find yourself in during a chess game: having to compensate for static weaknesses with dynamic play, or having to outlast a dynamic weakness with long-term, static advantages.

In this introductory article we are going to go over the basics of IQP positions and we are going to have a look at which openings result in such positions. In the two following articles we will cover playing with an IQP and playing against an IQP in detail, showing plans, patterns, ways to exploit an IQP from both perspectives. We will also have a look at several thematic real game examples. At the end of each of the two articles you will find exercises you can solve to practice isolated queen’s pawn positions on your own. Solve them over a real board and without moving the pieces. Remember, it’s not about a move or a series of moves, it’s about learning strategic, attacking or defensive plans which are thematic for those positions! If you can and have enough time, try to find reference games with similar positions and analyze them in detail from start to finish.

Understanding IQP positions will develop you as a chess player, and you will surely be able to cope with the intricacies of the jungle that is chess middlegames better once you do !

What is an Isolated Queen’s Pawn and what do I do with it

Positions with IQPs will be discussed in detail in the two following articles. Here I would just like to give you a brief overview of plans and ideas for both sides so that the rest of this introduction makes more sense. Firstly, when talking about isolated queen’s pawns, IQPs, or isolanis, we refer to a d4 pawn for white or a d5 pawn for black.

The side with an IQP will generally want to attack with his isolated Queen’s pawn, like Polugaevsky did in a famous game.Place their pieces on optimal squares, diagonals and files and put as much pressure on the opponent’s king as soon as possible. They will also want to avoid piece trades, as they will lead to simplifications, and a simplified position can only favor the side that is under attack. That would relieve the pressure and also get him closer to the much desired endgame with a better pawn structure.

The side with an IQP can also try to liquidate it. Trade it off. Get rid of it. If you trade it it’s no longer a weakness. This is most commonly done by advancing his isolated queen’s pawn and forcing the other side to either capture, or allow the first player to capture, thus getting rid of the IQP.

The side playing against the IQP has a different sort of middlegame. He will often have to defend against an attack very early on, and thus trading pieces off against the isolated queen’s pawn, particularly minor pieces is a good plan of action. He would have to watch out for tactical piece sacrifices on tender points in his position, most often e6 and f7.

To play against the pawn, the first and best plan is to blockade it. When you are playing against a weakness, fixing it and making it immobile is the necessary first step. Putting pressure on it immediately and trying to win the pawn would most often fail as the other player can advance and liquidate the pawn or focus on his offensive in the meantime.

The best piece to blockade a pawn with is a knight, as it’s flexible, highly mobile and very strong when outposted. And since the side has no pawns on the files adjacent to the IQP, the square in front of the IQP is a perfect outpost !

In the Romantic Era of Chess

Isolated Queen’s Pawn positions were first systematically studied by Wilhelm Steinitz, the first world champion. Ever since then, it has been a topic of study for strong players and Grand Masters. And, interestingly, at a time when attacking chess was all the rage, few players had doubt as to whether an IQP was a strength or not. Siegbert Tarrasch was of the opinion that “…the player whose queen’s pawn is isolated has a clear advantage.” It is because of the attacking potential for the side with the IQP that most romantic era players believed this structural weakness to be a strength in the attack.

Today the situation is very different and much more balanced. There is no consensus as to whether and IQP is a weakness or a strength. It’s both at the same time, depending on how well you play with it or against it !

My first serious encounter with such positions was during a lesson with my coach FM Matej Blažeka. One thing he said made a big impression on me. He told me that in his experience, when two weak players play an IQP position, the side without an IQP wins, and that when two strong players play it’s the opposite! There isn’t really one logical conclusion we can draw from that; for example, that having an IQP is a good thing. We can, however, conclude that playing with an IQP correctly requires a greater amount of skill than playing against it. Or, at least, that was my conclusion.

I want an Isolated Queen’s Pawn. Where can I get one?

To start with, I am going to go over the most common opening variations that can result in IQP positions. If you play one of these already, you either know what you’re doing in such structures, or you bluff, in which case being aware of how and why isolated queen’s pawn structures occur will be your first step in learning how to deal with them. If neither of the openings listed below is in your repertoire, perhaps picking one up would be good for your progress, as IQP positions will develop every aspect of your game !

Openings resulting in an isolated queen’s pawn for white

Queen’s Gambit Declined, Classical Variation

This is one of the most famous IQP positions. It is a product of the “old way” to play the QGD, the Classical or Orthodox variation. It is still played today, of course, but there are much more popular alternatives.

Here are the features of the position (most of them can be applied to all of the positions listed below).

Nimzo-Indian Defense, Gligorić System

This is a common continuation in the e3 Nimzo-Indian.

Queen’s Gambit Accepted, Classical, Main Line

The Alapin, c3 Sicilian, Barmen Defense

Most players associate IQP positions with d4 openings, but they occur just as often from e4 openings. This is an example of a “d4 middlegame” in the Sicilian. The plans here will be very similar to those of the Classical QDG.

Caro-Kann, Panov Attack

The dreaded IQP in the Panov is what I find very unpleasant to play against. Experienced players with white will use the dynamic pressure to their advantage and start an attack on the black king which is destined to castle short very early on.

Italian Game, Giuoco Piano

This position is different to all other listed above.

The other upside for black is that the dark squared bishops have been traded off, which relieves some of the pressure on black’s king: an attack is easier with the bishop pair !

Openings resulting in an isolated queen’s pawn for black

Tarrasch Defense, Classical

This is perhaps the most famous black IQP position. It comes from the aggressive Tarrasch defense, which, in its essence, accepts the fact that black will have to accept a worse structure. In compensation, similar to the Gruenfeld, black will have open lines and dynamic play.

French Defense, Tarrasch

This is one of my favorite positions to play against and I’ve been on the white side of it on numerous occasions.

Nimzo-Indian Defense, Noa Variation


I have not listed every opening variation which can result in an IQP. To be honest, I have probably mentioned less than a third of them. These are, however, the openings in which an IQP is to be expected, and knowing how to handle it is a prerequisite for playing them.

In the next article we are going to cover playing with an isolated queen’s pawn, either attacking with it or playing for the d4-d5 breakthrough. The focus will be on attacking plans and ways to compensate for your structural disadvantage using offensive play before the weakness can be picked on by the defender! We are going to be covering positions from both players’ perspectives and looking at thematic games featuring an IQP. At the end of the article you will find practical exercises which should make understanding the intricacies of isolated queen’s pawn positions easier.

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