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Opening Principles: How To Develop Your Pieces Quickly

Did you ever find yourself moving the same piece three times in the opening ? Or did you move your Queen early, only to let your opponent to harass it...

Develop Your Pieces !

This is the second article about opening principles for beginners. The first one was about controlling the center and this is of course really important. Now the next question arising...

Opening principles: How To Control The Center

Here you are in your journey to become a strong Chess player. You know how pieces are moving. Also, you have already learnt many tactical patterns, (like the fork, the...

More Checkmate Patterns

In our We have spent a lot of time on tactical patterns, haven’t we ? This is necessary so that they become obvious to you. You have also already studied...

Zugzwang: what is that !?

Zugzwang is not really a tactic. It is a situation where one player is put at a disadvantage because he has to make a move when he would prefer to...

Chess Tactics: Removing The Defender

The idea of removing the defender in Chess is simple: an important piece or square is defended by a piece, the defender. Removing the defender gives you the ability to...

Zwischenzug: the Tactical Pattern That Can Save You

A Zwischenzug is also called an “in-between move”. It occurs when a player, instead of playing the expected move, first plays another move, posing an immediate threat that the opponent...

Attraction And Deflection – Chess Tactical Patterns

Deflection is a Chess tactic that forces an opposing piece to leave the square it occupies. It is then deflected away from defending a piece or an important square. It...

Discovered Attack: a pattern you must know !

A Discovered Attack in Chess is a specific way to create two threats in one move: this is in fact another type of Double Attack, like the Fork in Chess....

The Double Attack In Chess

You may wonder why we are interested in tactical patterns such as the double attack. Here is why: once you have a material advantage in a Chess game, the roadmap...