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The French Defense is loved by players who enjoy dynamic play in asymmetrical structures, traps and tricks are frequent in this opening, as in many others. I hope you will enjoy this review, and pick some ideas for your own games !

The Tarrasch variation is usually more positional, but White can find himself in trouble if he plays too cautiously:

…Or too ambitious with his Knights !

… Or if White doesn’t realize that Black is trapping his Queen !

The very rare 3… Nc6!? can surprise White, like in this game:

Even if this opening is not exactly a French defense, White successfully targets the e6 weakness with a typical sacrifice !

It would not be a page about the French defense without a Bxh7+ sacrifice ! Again, not exactly a French defense (Black has not played d7-d5), but very close !

Note: this page is a work in progress, and will be enriched when new videos are published.

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