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You probably already know how the King, the Rook, the Bishop, and the Queen move (and maybe even how the pawn moves ?), so you are ready to look into the game’s most complex piece: the Knight.

So how does the Knight move ?

Amongst all the Chess pieces, Knights’ moves are probably the trickiest to learn. Let’s try anyway !

You should be more familiar by now with the Knight’s tricky way of moving. This can be puzzling at first but a lot of practice will make it (almost) natural to you.

There is also something specific about the way the Knight interacts with friend pieces, compared to the other pieces. How the Knight captures, on the other hand, is pretty standard.

If you are comfortable with how the Knight moves, you are ready to learn about the game’s last piece: the pawn. Later, you can study complex moves such as castling.

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